
Cacophonator II by beepglitch
March 16, 2010, 4:42 pm
Filed under: Store

This is the first intrument available on the beepglitch store.

Its from my dear friend  Sascha renner and its called the Cacophonator II.

Theres a great soul in this beast machine and the design is really nice, also you can check the sounds above.

Heres some of the specs :

new features: audio input with preamplifier, feedbackpoti, new modswitch, white coated alu-case
all components are of high quality to last forever.
please contact me per e-mail (not myspace please), if you want one.

cacophonator II + audio input…240€

shipping…25€ (UPS europe)

You can get in touch with Sascha trought is website or leave Beepglitch an email and we forward to Sascha.

Have fun.

Workshop Liveact (Coimbra) by beepglitch
March 14, 2010, 4:33 pm
Filed under: General

Workshop Liveact (Coimbra)

Introdução e integração do hardware áudio digital e software com vista a performance direccionada para eventos ao vivo.

A Utilização cada vez maior de hardware e software por parte dos artistas leva a que haja uma plataforma cada vez maior de interação entre todo o “setup” de palco , sintetizadores, drum machines, plataformas de áudio e de vídeo.

Workshop Liveact

O que se propõe é aprofundar o conhecimento dos vários interfaces (MIDI, OSC ) com o intuito de integrar todas estas plataformas numa só base. O artista ou performer conseguirá assim controlar e modificar todos os  parâmetros do seu liveact através de uma só consola.
Conteúdos Programáticos:
Os formandos serão capazes de elaborar um “setup” baseado nestes protocolos, e serem capazes de controlar os diversos tipos de hardware e software durante um espétaculo/performance.

. Definição dos diversos protocolos existentes
. Compreender a sincronização e a sua utilização nesta temática
. Audio, Midi
. Video sicronizado com os protocolos Midi e Osc
. Software Vjing
. Software Audio
. Software Midi e Osc
. Performance e Liveact. Conclusão

Workshop Liveact (Coimbra)
1ª Edição

Formador: Ricardo Webbens
Coordenador: Ricardo Lobo
Datas: 20 e 21 de Março de 2010
Horário: 10h00-13h00 // 14h30-18h30
Local: xDA: Casa da Esquina – R. Aires de Campos, 6 (Coimbra)
Preço: 25 euros
Estado: Abertas as Inscrições

Pedido de Informações
Ficha de Inscrição

Casper Electronics Drone Lab 2 by kloke
November 23, 2009, 4:52 pm
Filed under: General

This a great new DIY project from Casper Electronics

The Drone Lab is a 4 voice analog drone synth, rhythm generator and FX processor. It is capable of generating rich, textured soundscapes, hypnotic drones and complex rhythmic sequences. It features a series of filter and distortions circuits as well as an audio input jack. This allows it to be used as an effects processor for external audio signals.

The Drone Lab was designed to invite modification and expansion. A series of add-on modules are in the works. Ideas and suggestions are welcome!

The Drone Lab is being sold as a kit as well as in finished form.

You can buy the PCB and parts from Casper Electronics or build it all from scratch.

The Drone Lab plans are completely open source and available here as well as the assembly instructions and step by step guide .

Casper Electronics encourages others to use and adapt the plans as they like.

A big thanks to Peter Edwards from Casper Electronics for this amazing new project.

Leploop by beepglitch
November 9, 2009, 2:24 am
Filed under: General

It seems a new sequencer synth thingy as enter the world of electronic music ..welcome.

So Leploop is a synth with a sequencer capable of producing some cool sounds, it as some nice design and a beautiful panel, its capable of producing 3 to 4 sounds including bass or melody, a kick , snare or noize and hh.

I hope that leploop makes some boards or share the circuit board with all us diyers 🙂

““LepLoop It’s a small synth protype I’m developping with my friend Peppo. The idea was to have a compact live analog instrument. The circuit it’s an original design. The synth can produce 3/4 sound at the same time kick, noise hh, snare, bass, melody””

You can read it more in here, development page.


Mignonette – do-it-yourself electronic game console by kloke
October 12, 2009, 3:10 pm
Filed under: General


This is a do-it-yourself assembly kit, an electronic game console “to learn about soldering, microcontrollers, and game programming”. True 8-bit style, it can be used for sound too 🙂 you can program your own games and applications.

Click here to check it out

Drone machine@unearthed circuits by beepglitch
September 7, 2009, 5:23 pm
Filed under: General | Tags: , , ,

Lets start for taking a brief info on the drone machine.

“The Drone Machine is a 4 oscillator noise maker that is controlled by a joystick.  I’ve had this basic circuit built for a while and I’ve been working on finding a type of housing and control mechanism that would make if fun and useful.  The joystick, along with a couple other additions has made this one of my favorites.”

The drone machine looks and sounds really nice and fat, the case design its brilliant with the joystick. But at unearthed circuits there’s also more things to see. This Bitcrusher is really nice, and the Photo trans-activator its simply a strange looking machine. To resume there’s a lot of stuff going at unearthed circuit, music, projects and lots of good ideas.

Unearthed circuits

MIDI Shoes by kloke
August 26, 2009, 11:17 am
Filed under: General


Hello this is my first post here as a contributor to Beepglitch, cheers to Ricardo for inviting me to this great project.

This is a great idea if you are tired of making your beats with the mouse or with sticks, Tom from Hobgob Eclectronics made these great midi shoes and he shows us how to build them here

Sticky Light by beepglitch
August 23, 2009, 9:03 pm
Filed under: General | Tags: , , ,


A laser spot bounces on a figure being drawn on paper, trying to escape the labyrinth of lines. There is no camera nor projector; this is an experience where the audience can touch and interact with a beam of pure light – and even play a pong game with bare hands. The quality of the laser light, and the fluidity of the motion makes for a very unique experience.

The problem of tracking hands and fingers on natural scenes has received much attention using passive acquisition vision systems and computationally intense image processing. We are currently studying a simple active tracking system using a laser diode (visible or invisible light), steering mirrors, and a single non-imaging photodetector. The system is capable of acquiring three dimensional coordinates in real time without the need of any image processing at all. Essentially, it is a smart rangefinder scanner that instead of continuously scanning over the full field of view, restricts its scanning are to a very narrow window precisely the size of the target.

Sticky light

Smart Laser Tracking

Beepglitch Features in Refunct 2009 by beepglitch
August 20, 2009, 3:28 pm
Filed under: General | Tags: , , , ,

Beepglitch is proud to be associated with Refunct 2009

The ReFunct 09 Symposium is pleased to be associated with some of the main blogs / websites in the field of circuit bending and hardware hacking. We’ve invited each guest blog to present themselves and give their views on the subject.

Refunct 2009

Panetone Interview by beepglitch
August 20, 2009, 3:19 pm
Filed under: General, Interviews | Tags: , , ,


Here is a small conversation with my friend Cristiana Rosa AKA Panetone.

Hope you all enjoy, and them check out is work.

BG:Why circuit bending ?
P: I was always curious, disassembling things, investigate, discover.
Also because of creating my own instruments, renew, recombining
objects, colors, give life.

BG:Your music certainly reflets the use of circuit bending material, how
do you become a circuit bender ?

P: I started using radios, just touching its circuits with my fingers.
Then I did modifications in my SK1, Furby, stompboxes…

BG:You do a lot of workshops, do you feel that the audience its getting
more and more excited about CB ?

Here in Brazil my workshops are always welcome, in some of them are
>crowded<. I have dedicated 100% of my time to CB, traveling through
Brazil, dont even know what day of the week is…

BG:Open source material and the free information are a “must” in the DIY
community how do you feel about this ?

P: I think all this open and free culture is great, we can create an
enviroment favorable to new discoveries.
There is also the environmental aspect of preservation when we use a
>suposed< electronic trash.
I think the more we are involved, the better.

BG:Tell me about your instruments

P: I am a little perfectionist, I believe that my instruments are
never exactly how I want. In the begining they looked like prototipes,
but now they have an identity, either from the color, shapes, small
lunch boxes as support, now I found some really small cases and am
creating <nano> instruments.
At this moment in my research I am using arduino and pure data, I am
integrating all and creating a dialog between free software and

BG:Were can we reach Pan&Tone the musician the inventor and the teacher
